Impressum und Anderes

Rechtlicher Hinweis! Alle Bilder/Photos dieser Website sind Teil meines Werkes und unterliegen den nationalen und internationalen © copyright-Gesetzen.
Attention! Copyright for all pictures, photos and works is by © Andreas Kmieciak.
Commercial use, in any way, is not allowed without permission! © Andreas Kmieciak D 37603 Holzminden/Germany
Jede Haftung vom unautorisiertem Gebrauch Dritter wird abgelehnt.
I´m not responsible for abuse, misinterpretation and any kind of misdeed, visitors may try to manage with this site, or parts of this site!

Who has done it?

It was me: Sie können mich unter per e-mail erreichen

Diese Seiten mit allem Inhalt sind angefertigt von/this site with all content is made by:
Andreas Kmieciak
37603 Holzminden - Germany

What Happens When JavaScript is Disabled?

The user gets a slap! Actually, all that jQuery does is moves the backgrounds relative to the position of the scrollbar. Without it, the backgrounds simply stay put and the user would never know they are missing out on the awesome! CSS2 does a good enough job to still make the effect look cool.

Social Interest

greenpeace campact für Demokratie seashepherd NABU

die aerzte Glitterhouse Records morrissey depeche mode david sylvian docma die_Illustratoren devianrart die Zeit eva padberg eva padberg

Andreas Kmieciak

© 2017, Andreas Kmieciak